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The National Alumni Association, Incorporated, of Alabama State University (NAA) was established by some of its graduates in the early 1960s, which at that time was called the General Alumni Association. Its objective was to provide an association that would form the nucleus for common sharing of interests in the University by its graduates. Membership in the NAA is held by all graduates of Alabama State University and former students who attended for at least one grading period, whether quarters or semesters.

The governing body of the NAA is the delegate assembly which sets policies and elects officers. The interim business affairs of the NAA are managed and controlled by an Executive Committee , comprised of the President, First Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Four Regional Directors, Four Regional Representatives, and two ex-officio members (immediate past NAA president and Alumni Relations Director).

The local chapter is the bedrock of the NAA, and effective participation is essential to a strong viable NAA. There are more than 40 chapters on the alumni roster stretching from the East coast to the West coast. Alumni chapters are divided into four regions. Each region has a regional director and a regional representative who are elected at the regional level to coordinate and oversee the work of the alumni chapters located within their region. Through the years, the NAA has been led by 18 presidents.


The mission of Alabama State University National Alumni Association, Inc. (NAA) is to promote the interests of Alabama State University, to establish mutually beneficial relations between the University and its alumni, and to assist in the advancement of educational opportunities for the University.

The NAA attempts to encourage a spirit of loyalty to the University through its programs of activities on the campus, in local chapters, in regional areas, and through national conventions. The NAA gives both financial and non-financial support to the University through the ASU Foundation, Admissions & Recruitment Office, Athletics, and other programs and activities to promote the interests of the University.



P.O. Box 6078

Montgomery, AL 36106-6078